Anse Volbert – Cote D’Or Beach

Praslin Island

The beach of Anse Volbert on Praslin is a stunning 2.5 km stretch of pristine white sand wrapping around the bay of Cote d’or. Spread along the length of the beach are a number of accommodation options, from large luxury resorts like the Paradise Sun Hotel or the Duc De Praslin.

It may be one of the more touristic areas of the island, being more of a ‘resort’ than a village-like Grande Anse or Baie Sainte Anne, but as resorts go Cote D’or is low density and sleepy. The beach is long and the hotels spread thinly, with a handful of shops and restaurants clustered towards the middle to the west end of the bay.

A TripAdvisor Member wrote: “The sand on this beach was as fine as flour, it was so great to stand on and touch! The water had beautiful shades of blue. It’s a runner-up to Anse Lazio, Georgette, Kerlan, and Volbert, but still very pretty. There is plenty of shade, small waves, and a little street parking.”

What we like at Anse Volvert /Cote d’Or

  • There are restaurants and stores next to Anse Volbert.
  • Fishermen are selling freshly caught fish at a stall at the beach.
  • Excellent for couples and families traveling with children.
  • There are lots of rentals and excursions to choose from, they offer mainly excursions to Courieuse Island.
  • Swimming, snorkeling, surfing, windsurfing, scuba diving, fishing, and sailing are activities you can enjoy.

The vast majority of buildings are set back from the beach and obscured by trees, with just a handful of resorts opening onto the beachfront, keeping the beach looking beautiful and empty, and in the evenings and weekends, you are likely to see just as many local families as tourists wandering the beaches or the shops.

There are a number of boats moored on the bay, and from the beach, you can look out onto the islands of Curieuse, St Pierre, and Chauve Souris. Chauve Souris Relais is the closest, and it is possible to walk or swim out to the island and enjoy great snorkeling around the rocks. Many operators run trips to the other islands directly from the beach, and these trips can be arranged through your hotel

How to get to Anse Volbert / Cote d’Or beach?

From Baie Ste. Anne, you may get to Anse Volbert by car, bus, taxi or bike. The beach and village with the same name is about 15 minutes far from Baie St. Anne by car.


Video Anse Volbert / Cote D’Or


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