Connections between islands

Traveling between islands by boat, plane or helicopter

Cat Cocos Ferry

Image: © CatCocos

There are three options for getting around: boat, plane, or helicopter. Each of these options has its own set of benefits and offers a unique perspective on Seychelles.

The most common mode of transport between islands is, of course, by boat. In Seychelles, there are various forms of boat connections. Take a ferry from Mahe to Praslin in one hour or from Praslin to La Digue in 20 minutes, for example. The ferry run by Cat Cocos is the most popular connection between Mahé, Praslin, and La Digue; the schedule may be found on their website.

Hotels such as the Hilton Seychelles Labriz run their own ferries between Mahe and Silhouette.

Choosing between an aircraft, a boat, or a helicopter for inter-island travel in the Seychelles is a very personal decision that is based on your particular tastes.

The national Air Seychelles is offering daily domestic flights from the international airport on Mahe to the small island Praslin.

Zilair is a Seychelles-based premium helicopter service firm that connects travelers to 21 helipads and 7 landing strips. They also have scenic flights and excursions available.

Zilair helicopter

Image: ©Zilair

List of Zilair destinations: